2012-09-06 42 views

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wiki tkinter chứa code cho hộp văn bản hoàn thành tự động, nhưng vì bạn muốn có hộp tổ hợp, bạn có thể sử dụng mã this (bạn đang tìm kiếm AutocompleteCombobox).


A Tkinter widget that features autocompletion. 

Created by Mitja Martini on 2008-11-29. 
Updated by Russell Adams, 2011/01/24 to support Python 3 and Combobox. 
Updated by Dominic Kexel to use Tkinter and ttk instead of tkinter and tkinter.ttk 
    Licensed same as original (not specified?), or public domain, whichever is less restrictive. 
import sys 
import os 
import Tkinter 
import ttk 

__version__ = "1.1" 

# I may have broken the unicode... 
Tkinter_umlauts=['odiaeresis', 'adiaeresis', 'udiaeresis', 'Odiaeresis', 'Adiaeresis', 'Udiaeresis', 'ssharp'] 

class AutocompleteEntry(Tkinter.Entry): 
     Subclass of Tkinter.Entry that features autocompletion. 

     To enable autocompletion use set_completion_list(list) to define 
     a list of possible strings to hit. 
     To cycle through hits use down and up arrow keys. 
     def set_completion_list(self, completion_list): 
       self._completion_list = sorted(completion_list, key=str.lower) # Work with a sorted list 
       self._hits = [] 
       self._hit_index = 0 
       self.position = 0 
       self.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.handle_keyrelease) 

     def autocomplete(self, delta=0): 
       """autocomplete the Entry, delta may be 0/1/-1 to cycle through possible hits""" 
       if delta: # need to delete selection otherwise we would fix the current position 
         self.delete(self.position, Tkinter.END) 
       else: # set position to end so selection starts where textentry ended 
         self.position = len(self.get()) 
       # collect hits 
       _hits = [] 
       for element in self._completion_list: 
         if element.lower().startswith(self.get().lower()): # Match case-insensitively 
       # if we have a new hit list, keep this in mind 
       if _hits != self._hits: 
         self._hit_index = 0 
       # only allow cycling if we are in a known hit list 
       if _hits == self._hits and self._hits: 
         self._hit_index = (self._hit_index + delta) % len(self._hits) 
       # now finally perform the auto completion 
       if self._hits: 

     def handle_keyrelease(self, event): 
       """event handler for the keyrelease event on this widget""" 
       if event.keysym == "BackSpace": 
         self.delete(self.index(Tkinter.INSERT), Tkinter.END) 
         self.position = self.index(Tkinter.END) 
       if event.keysym == "Left": 
         if self.position < self.index(Tkinter.END): # delete the selection 
           self.delete(self.position, Tkinter.END) 
           self.position = self.position-1 # delete one character 
           self.delete(self.position, Tkinter.END) 
       if event.keysym == "Right": 
         self.position = self.index(Tkinter.END) # go to end (no selection) 
       if event.keysym == "Down": 
         self.autocomplete(1) # cycle to next hit 
       if event.keysym == "Up": 
         self.autocomplete(-1) # cycle to previous hit 
       if len(event.keysym) == 1 or event.keysym in Tkinter_umlauts: 

class AutocompleteCombobox(ttk.Combobox): 

     def set_completion_list(self, completion_list): 
       """Use our completion list as our drop down selection menu, arrows move through menu.""" 
       self._completion_list = sorted(completion_list, key=str.lower) # Work with a sorted list 
       self._hits = [] 
       self._hit_index = 0 
       self.position = 0 
       self.bind('<KeyRelease>', self.handle_keyrelease) 
       self['values'] = self._completion_list # Setup our popup menu 

     def autocomplete(self, delta=0): 
       """autocomplete the Combobox, delta may be 0/1/-1 to cycle through possible hits""" 
       if delta: # need to delete selection otherwise we would fix the current position 
         self.delete(self.position, Tkinter.END) 
       else: # set position to end so selection starts where textentry ended 
         self.position = len(self.get()) 
       # collect hits 
       _hits = [] 
       for element in self._completion_list: 
         if element.lower().startswith(self.get().lower()): # Match case insensitively 
       # if we have a new hit list, keep this in mind 
       if _hits != self._hits: 
         self._hit_index = 0 
       # only allow cycling if we are in a known hit list 
       if _hits == self._hits and self._hits: 
         self._hit_index = (self._hit_index + delta) % len(self._hits) 
       # now finally perform the auto completion 
       if self._hits: 

     def handle_keyrelease(self, event): 
       """event handler for the keyrelease event on this widget""" 
       if event.keysym == "BackSpace": 
         self.delete(self.index(Tkinter.INSERT), Tkinter.END) 
         self.position = self.index(Tkinter.END) 
       if event.keysym == "Left": 
         if self.position < self.index(Tkinter.END): # delete the selection 
           self.delete(self.position, Tkinter.END) 
           self.position = self.position-1 # delete one character 
           self.delete(self.position, Tkinter.END) 
       if event.keysym == "Right": 
         self.position = self.index(Tkinter.END) # go to end (no selection) 
       if len(event.keysym) == 1: 
       # No need for up/down, we'll jump to the popup 
       # list at the position of the autocompletion 

def test(test_list): 
     """Run a mini application to test the AutocompleteEntry Widget.""" 
     root = Tkinter.Tk(className=' AutocompleteEntry demo') 
     entry = AutocompleteEntry(root) 
     combo = AutocompleteCombobox(root) 
     # I used a tiling WM with no controls, added a shortcut to quit 
     root.bind('<Control-Q>', lambda event=None: root.destroy()) 
     root.bind('<Control-q>', lambda event=None: root.destroy()) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
     test_list = ('apple', 'banana', 'CranBerry', 'dogwood', 'alpha', 'Acorn', 'Anise') 

Cảm ơn người đàn ông! Đó là chính xác những gì tôi cần! – TheBeardedBerry


Các AutoCompleteComboBox là một vẻ đẹp thực sự thực sự, câu trả lời ở trên gắn liền với lấy từ một danh sách các giá trị cho trong mã Python. Tôi đang nâng cao câu trả lời để bao gồm dữ liệu được tìm nạp từ SQLite và được hiển thị trong hộp tổ hợp:

if __name__ == '__main__': 
     #test_list = ('apple', 'banana', 'CranBerry', 'dogwood', 'alpha', 'Acorn', 'Anise', 'crannotberry') 

     connection = sqlite3.connect('my_sqliteDB') 
     cur = connection.cursor() 
     cur.execute("select stock_item_name from inventory") 
     sqloutput = cur.fetchall() #This contains the SQL output in format [(u'data1',), (u'data2',), (u'data3',)] 
     sqloutput_2 = [item[0] for item in sqloutput] #This is manipulated to the format [u'data1',u'data2',u'data3'] 
     test_list = tuple(map(str, sqloutput_2)) #This will remove the unicode data and final format [data1,data2,data3] 
     test(test_list) #The final format works with values in DB. 

Điều này không thực sự trả lời câu hỏi. Câu trả lời cho câu hỏi không liên quan đến nguồn dữ liệu. –


Đồng ý, câu hỏi đã được trả lời một cách thích hợp bởi @sloth và tôi thấy nó rất hữu ích cho bản thân mình. Tôi hy vọng bổ sung của tôi sẽ hữu ích cho bất kỳ ai dừng lại và dự định sử dụng dữ liệu động. – mdabdullah

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