2011-11-09 18 views

thể trùng lặp:
Is there any documented free R-Tree implementation for .NET?Bất kỳ triển khai R-Tree nào trong F # (hoặc C#)?

Có bất kỳ triển khai R-Tree trong F #?

Giả định là: không cần chèn hoặc xóa, tập hợp cố định Geo-Fences (vùng). Nhu cầu là: thời gian tìm kiếm rất nhanh.

Cảm ơn bạn


Đây là tài nguyên tốt: http://www.itu.dk/research/c5/ Không có triển khai R-Tree AFAIK nhưng nếu bạn không tìm thấy bất kỳ điều gì khác bạn có thể thích ứng/mở rộng từ một bộ sưu tập cây. –


@Daniel Cảm ơn. Tôi đã tìm thấy điều đó, nhưng tôi không hài lòng với nó. Vì vậy, tôi đến đây để xem các tùy chọn không hiển thị trong Google. –

Trả lời


Dưới đây là một bản dịch nhanh chóng của this one in OCaml đến F #.

namespace RTree 

open System 

module Envelope = 

    type t = float * float * float * float 

    let ranges_intersect a b a' b' = a' <= b && a <= b' 

    let intersects (x0, x1, y0, y1) (x0', x1', y0', y1') = 
    (* For two envelopes to intersect, both of their ranges do. *) 
    ranges_intersect x0 x1 x0' x1' && ranges_intersect y0 y1 y0' y1' 

    let add (x0, x1, y0, y1) (x0', x1', y0', y1') = 
    min x0 x0', max x1 x1', min y0 y0', max y1 y1' 

    let rec add_many = function 
    | e :: [] -> e 
    | e :: es -> add e (add_many es) 
    | [] -> raise (ArgumentException "can't zero envelopes") 

    let area (x0, x1, y0, y1) = 
    (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0) 

    let within (x0, x1, y0, y1) (x0', x1', y0', y1') = 
    x0 <= x0' && x1 >= x1' && y0 <= y0' && y1 >= y1' 

    let empty = 0., 0., 0., 0. 

module rtree = 

    type 'a t = 
     Node of (Envelope.t * 'a t) list 
    | Leaf of (Envelope.t * 'a) list 
    | Empty 

    let max_node_load = 8 

    let empty = Empty 
    let empty_node = (Envelope.empty, Empty) 

    let enlargement_needed e e' = 
    Envelope.area (Envelope.add e e') - Envelope.area e 

    let rec partition_by_min_enlargement e = function 
    | (e', _) as n :: [] -> 
     n, [], enlargement_needed e e' 
    | (e', _) as n :: ns -> 
     let enlargement = enlargement_needed e e' 
     let min, maxs, enlargement' = partition_by_min_enlargement e ns 
     if enlargement < enlargement' then 
      n, min :: maxs, enlargement 
      min, n :: maxs, enlargement' 
    | [] -> 
     raise (ArgumentException "cannot partition an empty node") 

    let pairs_of_list xs = (* (cross product) *) 
    List.concat (List.map (fun x -> List.map (fun y -> (x, y)) xs) xs) 

    (* This is Guttman's quadradic splitting algorithm. *) 
    let split_pick_seeds ns = 
    let pairs = pairs_of_list ns 
    let cost (e0, _) (e1, _) = 
     (Envelope.area (Envelope.add e0 e1)) - 
     (Envelope.area e0) - (Envelope.area e1) 
    let rec max_cost = function 
     | (n, n') :: [] -> cost n n', (n, n') 
     | (n, n') as pair :: ns -> 
      let max_cost', pair' = max_cost ns 
      let cost = cost n n' 
      if cost > max_cost' then 
      cost, pair 
      max_cost', pair' 
     | [] -> raise (ArgumentException "can't compute split on empty list") 
    let (_, groups) = max_cost pairs in groups 

    let split_pick_next e0 e1 ns = 
    let diff (e, _) = 
     abs ((enlargement_needed e0 e) - (enlargement_needed e1 e)) 
    let rec max_difference = function 
     | n :: [] -> diff n, n 
     | n :: ns -> 
      let diff', n' = max_difference ns 
      let diff = diff n 
      if diff > diff' then 
      diff, n 
      diff', n' 
     | [] -> raise (ArgumentException "can't compute max diff on empty list") 
    let (_, n) = max_difference ns in n 

    let split_nodes ns = 
    let rec partition xs xs_envelope ys ys_envelope = function 
     | [] -> (xs, xs_envelope), (ys, ys_envelope) 
     | rest -> 
      let (e, _) as n = split_pick_next xs_envelope ys_envelope rest 
      let rest' = List.filter ((<>) n) rest 
      let enlargement_x = enlargement_needed e xs_envelope 
      let enlargement_y = enlargement_needed e ys_envelope 
      if enlargement_x < enlargement_y then 
      partition (n :: xs) (Envelope.add xs_envelope e) ys ys_envelope rest' 
      partition xs xs_envelope (n :: ys) (Envelope.add ys_envelope e) rest' 
    let (((e0, _) as n0), ((e1, _) as n1)) = split_pick_seeds ns 
    partition [n0] e0 [n1] e1 (List.filter (fun n -> n <> n0 && n <> n1) ns) 

    let envelope_of_nodes ns = Envelope.add_many (List.map (fun (e, _) -> e) ns) 

    let rec insert' elem e = function 
    | Node ns -> 
     let (_, min), maxs, _ = partition_by_min_enlargement e ns 
     match insert' elem e min with 
      | min', (_, Empty) -> 
       let ns' = min' :: maxs 
       let e' = envelope_of_nodes ns' 
       (e', Node ns'), empty_node 
      | min', min'' when (List.length maxs + 2) < max_node_load -> 
       let ns' = min' :: min'' :: maxs 
       let e' = envelope_of_nodes ns' 
       (e', Node ns'), empty_node 
      | min', min'' -> 
       let (a, envelope_a), (b, envelope_b) = 
       split_nodes (min' :: min'' :: maxs) 
       (envelope_a, Node a), (envelope_b, Node b) 
    | Leaf es -> 
     let es' = (e, elem) :: es 
     if List.length es' > max_node_load then 
      let (a, envelope_a), (b, envelope_b) = split_nodes es' 
      (envelope_a, Leaf a), (envelope_b, Leaf b) 
      (envelope_of_nodes es', Leaf es'), empty_node 
    | Empty -> 
     (e, Leaf [e, elem]), empty_node 

    let insert t elem e = 
    match insert' elem e t with 
     | (_, a), (_, Empty) -> a 
     | a, b -> Node [a; b] (* root split *) 

    let filter_intersecting e = 
    List.filter (fun (e', _) -> Envelope.intersects e e') 

    let rec find t e = 
    match t with 
     | Node ns -> 
      let intersecting = filter_intersecting e ns 
      let found = List.map (fun (_, n) -> find n e) intersecting 
      List.concat found 
     | Leaf es -> List.map snd (filter_intersecting e es) 
     | Empty -> [] 

    let rec size = function 
    | Node ns -> 
     let sub_sizes = List.map (fun (_, n) -> size n) ns 
     List.fold (+) 0 sub_sizes 
    | Leaf es -> 
     List.length es 
    | Empty -> 
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