Tôi đang sử dụng Meteor-CollectionFS và GraphicsMagick 1.3.22 để thay đổi kích thước hình ảnh được tải lên Amazon S3. Hình ảnh không thay đổi kích thước, nó chỉ xuất hiện trong S3 đầy đủ kích cỡ. Tôi cũng đã thử đặt các hình ảnh đã thay đổi kích thước trong một cửa hàng riêng biệt, nhưng hình ảnh vẫn xuất hiện đầy đủ kích thước trong cửa hàng mới.Bộ sưu tập MeteorFS: S3 GraphicsMagick Không đổi kích thước hình ảnh

Đây là máy chủ của tôi/collections.js

FS.debug = true; 

var imageStore = new FS.Store.S3("images", { 
    bucket: "meteor-s3-test-data", 
    accessKeyId: "XXX", 
    folder: "images", 
    secretAccessKey: "XXX", 
    transformWrite: createThumb 

var createThumb = function(fileObj, readStream, writeStream) { 
    gm(readStream, fileObj.name()).resize('100', '100').stream().pipe(writeStream); 

ProfileCollection = new Mongo.Collection('ProfileCollection'); 

PhotoCollection = new FS.Collection("PhotoCollection", 
    stores: [ 
    filter: { 
     maxSize: 3145728, 
     allow: { 
     contentTypes: ['image/*'], 
     extensions: ['png', 'PNG', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG'] 

và khách hàng của tôi/collections.js

var imageStore = new FS.Store.S3("images"); 

ProfileCollection = new Mongo.Collection('ProfileCollection'); 

PhotoCollection = new FS.Collection("PhotoCollection", 
    stores: [ 
    filter: { 
     maxSize: 3145728, 
     allow: { 
     contentTypes: ['image/*'], 
     extensions: ['png', 'PNG', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG'] 

và log FS.debug tôi

FileWorker ADDED - calling deleteChunks for i5BrCN6rZwLoPuXy4 
Meteor._wrapAsync has been renamed to Meteor.wrapAsync 
TempStore is mounted on storage.gridfs 
FileWorker ADDED - calling deleteChunks for 8BFzyhkoLyE4RGPES 
Registered HTTP method URLs: 
token: eyJhdXRoVG9rZW4iOiJyYmx0cFd3YzUxVUlqd0JfaVhrck1RSVdmbE5wRmFKdXZFYjZvRXBWek5kIn0= 
Read file "me.jpg" bytes 0-14428/14429 
createReadStream images 
createReadStreamForFileKey images 
Insertion in security = true 
token: eyJhdXRoVG9rZW4iOiJyYmx0cFd3YzUxVUlqd0JfaVhrck1RSVdmbE5wRmFKdXZFYjZvRXBWek5kIn0= 
HTTP PUT (update) handler received chunk: 0 
Insertion in security = true 
createWriteStream _tempstore, internal: true 
createWriteStreamForFileKey _tempstore 
SA GridFS - DONE! 
-----------STORED STREAM _tempstore 
-----------CLOSE STREAM _tempstore 
TempStore progress: Received 1 of 1 chunks for me.jpg 
UPDATE: {"$set":{"uploadedAt":"2015-10-30T01:02:35.356Z"},"$unset":{"chunkCount":1,"chunkSum":1,"chunkSize":1}} 
me.jpg was successfully uploaded. You are seeing this informational message because you enabled debugging and you have not defined any listeners for the "uploaded" event on the PhotoCollection collection. 
FileWorker ADDED - calling saveCopy images for eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r 
saving to store images 
createWriteStream images, internal: false 
createWriteStreamForFileKey images 
FS.TempStore creating read stream for eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r 
createReadStream _tempstore 
createReadStreamForFileKey _tempstore 
GRIDFS { _id: 5632c1ab10a4ad2c48853ad5, root: 'cfs_gridfs._tempstore' } 
FileWorker CHANGED - calling saveCopy images for eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r 
saving to store images 
createWriteStream images, internal: false 
createWriteStreamForFileKey images 
FS.TempStore creating read stream for eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r 
createReadStream _tempstore 
createReadStreamForFileKey _tempstore 
GRIDFS { _id: 5632c1ab10a4ad2c48853ad5, root: 'cfs_gridfs._tempstore' } 
FileWorker REMOVED - removing all stored data for 8BFzyhkoLyE4RGPES 
-----------FINISH STREAM images 
-----------FINISH STREAM images 
-----------FINISH STREAM images 
-----------FINISH STREAM images 
SA S3 - DONE!! 
-----------STORED STREAM images 
-----------STORED STREAM images 
SA images stored PhotoCollection/eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r-me.jpg 
FS.File._saveChanges: images 
UPDATE: {"$set":{"copies.images":{"name":"me.jpg","type":"image/jpeg","size":14429,"key":"PhotoCollection/eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r-me.jpg","updatedAt":"2015-10-30T01:02:35.790Z","createdAt":"2015-10-30T01:02:35.790Z"}}} 
FS.File._saveChanges: _original 
UPDATE: {"$set":{"original":{"name":"me.jpg","updatedAt":"2015-10-23T19:33:23.512Z","size":14429,"type":"image/jpeg"}}} 
me.jpg was successfully saved to the images store. You are seeing this informational message because you enabled debugging and you have not defined any listeners for the "stored" event on the PhotoCollection collection. 
FileWorker ADDED - calling deleteChunks for eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r 
SA S3 - DONE!! 
-----------STORED STREAM images 
-----------STORED STREAM images 
SA images stored PhotoCollection/eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r-me.jpg 
FS.File._saveChanges: images 
UPDATE: {"$set":{"copies.images":{"name":"me.jpg","type":"image/jpeg","size":14429,"key":"PhotoCollection/eLdMFShwMftTZAL4r-me.jpg","updatedAt":"2015-10-30T01:02:35.884Z","createdAt":"2015-10-30T01:02:35.884Z"}}} 
FS.File._saveChanges: _original 
UPDATE: {"$set":{"original":{"name":"me.jpg","updatedAt":"2015-10-23T19:33:23.512Z","size":14429,"type":"image/jpeg"}}} 
me.jpg was successfully saved to the images store. You are seeing this informational message because you enabled debugging and you have not defined any listeners for the "stored" event on the PhotoCollection collection. 
token: eyJhdXRoVG9rZW4iOiJyYmx0cFd3YzUxVUlqd0JfaVhrck1RSVdmbE5wRmFKdXZFYjZvRXBWek5kIn0= 
Read file "me.jpg" bytes 0-14428/14429 
createReadStream images 
createReadStreamForFileKey images 
token: eyJhdXRoVG9rZW4iOiJDMTFjd3lwUnJVU3NKRlZNUXNodWxQblJScXkyOXFxZklZcjc4bVBTT2pJIn0= 
Read file "me.jpg" bytes 0-14428/14429 
createReadStream images 
createReadStreamForFileKey images 
^C[[email protected] udormio_build]$ [[email protected] udormio_build]$ no bundle/main.js 
FileWorker ADDED - calling deleteChunks for-bash: [[email protected]: command not found 
Meteor._wrapAsync has been renamed to Meteor.wrapAsync 
TempStore is mounted on storage.gridfs 
FileWorker ADDED - calling deleteChunks for 8BFzyhkoLyE4RGPES 
[[email protected] udormio_build]$ FileWorker ADDED - calling deleteChunks for i5BrCN6rZwLoPuXy4 
Registered HTTP method URLs: 
token: eyJhdXRoVG9rZW4iOiJyYmx0cFd3YzUxVUlqd0JfaVhrck1RSVdmbE5wRmFKdXZFYjZvRXBWek5kIn0= 
Read file "me.jpg" bytes 0-14428/14429 
createReadStream images 
createReadStreamForFileKey images 
Insertion in security = true 
token: eyJhdXRoVG9rZW4iOiJyYmx0cFd3YzUxVUlqd0JfaVhrck1RSVdmbE5wRmFKdXZFYjZv-bash: FileWorker: command not found 
HTTP PUT (update) handler received chunk: 0 
Insertion in security = true 
createWriteStream _tempstore, internal: true 
createWriteStreamForFileKey _tempstore 
SA GridFS - DONE! 

Cảm ơn.

Trả lời


Tôi phải cài đặt cả GraphicsMagick và ImageMagick cùng một lúc.

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