2014-04-08 17 views

Tôi có luồng công việc sitecore. Khi tôi phê duyệt một mục với nút Phê duyệt ngay bên cạnh mục, nó yêu cầu nhận xét. Khi tôi phê duyệt nhiều mục bằng các nút Chấp thuận (đã chọn) hoặc Phê duyệt (tất cả), nó không yêu cầu nhận xét. Tại sao vậy? Tôi có thể yêu cầu nhận xét và liên kết nhận xét đó với tất cả các mục được chấp thuận không? Cảm ơnhộp công việc sitecore không nhắc nhận xét khi phê duyệt nhiều mục

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Để kích hoạt cảm nhận cho Selected hoặc All mục bạn cần phải:

  1. Sao chép Website\sitecore\shell\Applications\Workbox\Workbox.xml để Website\sitecore\shell\Override\ thư mục và thay đổi <CodeBeside Type="..." />-<CodeBeside Type="My.Assembly.Namespace.WorkboxForm,My.Assembly" /> nơi My.AssemblyMy.Assembly.Namespace phù hợp với dự án của bạn.
  2. Tạo lớp riêng bạn WorkboxForm đó sẽ ghi đè Sitecore WorkboxForm và kết hợp Type từ điểm 1. và sử dụng mã thay đổi nội dung của WorkBox dạng:
using Sitecore; 
using Sitecore.Data; 
using Sitecore.Data.Items; 
using Sitecore.Diagnostics; 
using Sitecore.Exceptions; 
using Sitecore.Globalization; 
using Sitecore.Resources; 
using Sitecore.Shell.Framework.CommandBuilders; 
using Sitecore.Text; 
using Sitecore.Web; 
using Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls; 
using Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer; 
using Sitecore.Web.UI.XmlControls; 
using Sitecore.Workflows; 
using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Text; 

namespace My.Assembly.Namespace 
    public class WorkboxForm : Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Workbox.WorkboxForm 
     private NameValueCollection stateNames; 

     public void CommentMultiple(ClientPipelineArgs args) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args"); 
      if (!args.IsPostBack) 
       Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Input("Enter a comment:", string.Empty); 
      else if (args.Result.Length > 2000) 
       Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.ShowError(new Exception(string.Format("The comment is too long.\n\nYou have entered {0} characters.\nA comment cannot contain more than 2000 characters.", args.Result.Length))); 
       Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Input("Enter a comment:", string.Empty); 
       if (args.Result == null || args.Result == "null" || args.Result == "undefined") 

       IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider; 
       if (workflowProvider == null) 
       IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["workflowid"] as string); 
       if (workflow == null) 

       string stateId = (string)Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ws"]; 
       string command = (string)Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["command"]; 

       string[] itemRefs = ((string)Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ids"] ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

       bool flag = false; 

       int num = 0; 

       foreach (string itemRef in itemRefs) 
        string[] strArray = itemRef.Split(new[] { ',' }); 
        Item items = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[strArray[0], Language.Parse(strArray[1]), Sitecore.Data.Version.Parse(strArray[2])]; 
        if (items != null) 
         WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(items); 
         if (state.StateID == stateId) 
           workflow.Execute(command, items, args.Result, true, new object[0]); 
          catch (WorkflowStateMissingException) 
           flag = true; 

       if (flag) 
        SheerResponse.Alert("One or more items could not be processed because their workflow state does not specify the next step.", new string[0]); 

       if (num == 0) 
        Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items."); 
        UrlString urlString = new UrlString(WebUtil.GetRawUrl()); 
        urlString["reload"] = "1"; 

     public override void HandleMessage(Message message) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message"); 
      switch (message.Name) 
       case "workflow:sendselectednew": 
       case "workflow:sendallnew": 

     protected override void DisplayState(IWorkflow workflow, WorkflowState state, DataUri[] items, System.Web.UI.Control control, int offset, int pageSize) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(state, "state"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(items, "items"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(control, "control"); 
      if (items.Length <= 0) 
      int num = offset + pageSize; 
      if (num > items.Length) 
       num = items.Length; 
      for (int index = offset; index < num; ++index) 
       Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[items[index]]; 
       if (obj != null) 
        CreateItem(workflow, obj, control); 
      Border border1 = new Border(); 
      border1.Background = "#e9e9e9"; 
      Border border2 = border1; 
      border2.Margin = "0px 4px 0px 16px"; 
      border2.Padding = "2px 8px 2px 8px"; 
      border2.Border = "1px solid #999999"; 
      foreach (WorkflowCommand workflowCommand in WorkflowFilterer.FilterVisibleCommands(workflow.GetCommands(state.StateID))) 
       XmlControl xmlControl1 = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxCommand"); 
       Assert.IsNotNull(xmlControl1, "workboxCommand is null"); 
       xmlControl1["Header"] = (workflowCommand.DisplayName + " " + Translate.Text("(selected)")); 
       xmlControl1["Icon"] = workflowCommand.Icon; 
       xmlControl1["Command"] = ("workflow:sendselectednew(command=" + workflowCommand.CommandID + ",ws=" + state.StateID + ",wf=" + workflow.WorkflowID + ")"); 
       XmlControl xmlControl2 = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxCommand"); 
       Assert.IsNotNull(xmlControl2, "workboxCommand is null"); 
       xmlControl2["Header"] = (workflowCommand.DisplayName + " " + Translate.Text("(all)")); 
       xmlControl2["Icon"] = workflowCommand.Icon; 
       xmlControl2["Command"] = ("workflow:sendallnew(command=" + workflowCommand.CommandID + ",ws=" + state.StateID + ",wf=" + workflow.WorkflowID + ")"); 

     private static void CreateCommand(IWorkflow workflow, WorkflowCommand command, Item item, XmlControl workboxItem) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(command, "command"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workboxItem, "workboxItem"); 
      XmlControl xmlControl = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxCommand"); 
      Assert.IsNotNull(xmlControl, "workboxCommand is null"); 
      xmlControl["Header"] = command.DisplayName; 
      xmlControl["Icon"] = command.Icon; 
      CommandBuilder commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder("workflow:send"); 
      commandBuilder.Add("id", item.ID.ToString()); 
      commandBuilder.Add("la", item.Language.Name); 
      commandBuilder.Add("vs", item.Version.ToString()); 
      commandBuilder.Add("command", command.CommandID); 
      commandBuilder.Add("wf", workflow.WorkflowID); 
      commandBuilder.Add("ui", command.HasUI); 
      commandBuilder.Add("suppresscomment", command.SuppressComment); 
      xmlControl["Command"] = commandBuilder.ToString(); 

     private void CreateItem(IWorkflow workflow, Item item, System.Web.UI.Control control) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(control, "control"); 
      XmlControl workboxItem = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxItem"); 
      Assert.IsNotNull(workboxItem, "workboxItem is null"); 
      StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(" - ("); 
      Language language = item.Language; 
      stringBuilder.Append(", "); 
      stringBuilder.Append(' '); 
      Assert.IsNotNull(workboxItem, "workboxItem"); 
      workboxItem["Header"] = item.DisplayName; 
      workboxItem["Details"] = (stringBuilder).ToString(); 
      workboxItem["Icon"] = item.Appearance.Icon; 
      workboxItem["ShortDescription"] = item.Help.ToolTip; 
      workboxItem["History"] = GetHistory(workflow, item); 
      workboxItem["HistoryMoreID"] = Control.GetUniqueID("ctl"); 
      workboxItem["HistoryClick"] = ("workflow:showhistory(id=" + item.ID + ",la=" + item.Language.Name + ",vs=" + item.Version + ",wf=" + workflow.WorkflowID + ")"); 
      workboxItem["PreviewClick"] = ("Preview(\"" + item.ID + "\", \"" + item.Language + "\", \"" + item.Version + "\")"); 
      workboxItem["Click"] = ("Open(\"" + item.ID + "\", \"" + item.Language + "\", \"" + item.Version + "\")"); 
      workboxItem["DiffClick"] = ("Diff(\"" + item.ID + "\", \"" + item.Language + "\", \"" + item.Version + "\")"); 
      workboxItem["Display"] = "none"; 
      string uniqueId = Control.GetUniqueID(string.Empty); 
      workboxItem["CheckID"] = ("check_" + uniqueId); 
      workboxItem["HiddenID"] = ("hidden_" + uniqueId); 
      workboxItem["CheckValue"] = (item.ID + "," + item.Language + "," + item.Version); 
      foreach (WorkflowCommand command in WorkflowFilterer.FilterVisibleCommands(workflow.GetCommands(item))) 
       CreateCommand(workflow, command, item, workboxItem); 

     private string GetHistory(IWorkflow workflow, Item item) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item"); 
      WorkflowEvent[] history = workflow.GetHistory(item); 
      string str; 
      if (history.Length > 0) 
       WorkflowEvent workflowEvent = history[history.Length - 1]; 
       string text = workflowEvent.User; 
       string name = Context.Domain.Name; 
       if (text.StartsWith(name + "\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 
        text = StringUtil.Mid(text, name.Length + 1); 
       str = string.Format(Translate.Text("{0} changed from <b>{1}</b> to <b>{2}</b> on {3}."), 
             }), GetStateName(workflow, workflowEvent.OldState), 
            GetStateName(workflow, workflowEvent.NewState), 
            DateUtil.FormatDateTime(workflowEvent.Date, "D", Context.User.Profile.Culture)); 
       str = Translate.Text("No changes have been made."); 
      return str; 

     private static DataUri[] GetItems(WorkflowState state, IWorkflow workflow) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(state, "state"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow"); 
      ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); 
      DataUri[] items = workflow.GetItems(state.StateID); 
      if (items != null) 
       foreach (DataUri index in items) 
        Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[index]; 
        if (obj != null && obj.Access.CanRead() && (obj.Access.CanReadLanguage() && obj.Access.CanWriteLanguage()) && (Context.IsAdministrator || obj.Locking.CanLock() || obj.Locking.HasLock())) 
      return arrayList.ToArray(typeof(DataUri)) as DataUri[]; 

     private string GetStateName(IWorkflow workflow, string stateID) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow"); 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(stateID, "stateID"); 
      if (stateNames == null) 
       stateNames = new NameValueCollection(); 
       foreach (WorkflowState workflowState in workflow.GetStates()) 
        stateNames.Add(workflowState.StateID, workflowState.DisplayName); 
      return StringUtil.GetString(new[] {stateNames[stateID], "?"}); 

     private void SendAll(Message message) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message"); 
      IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider; 
      if (workflowProvider == null) 
      string workflowID = message["wf"]; 
      string stateID = message["ws"]; 
      IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID); 
      if (workflow == null) 
      WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(stateID); 
      DataUri[] items = GetItems(state, workflow); 
      Assert.IsNotNull(items, "uris is null"); 
      string comments = state != null ? state.DisplayName : string.Empty; 
      bool flag = false; 
      foreach (DataUri index in items) 
       Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[index]; 
       if (obj != null) 
         workflow.Execute(message["command"], obj, comments, true, new object[0]); 
        catch (WorkflowStateMissingException) 
         flag = true; 
      if (flag) 
       SheerResponse.Alert("One or more items could not be processed because their workflow state does not specify the next step.", new string[0]); 
      UrlString urlString = new UrlString(WebUtil.GetRawUrl()); 
      urlString["reload"] = "1"; 

     private void SendAllNew(Message message) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message"); 
      IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider; 
      if (workflowProvider == null) 
      string workflowID = message["wf"]; 
      string stateID = message["ws"]; 
      IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID); 
      if (workflow == null) 

      if (message["ui"] != "1") 
       if (message["suppresscomment"] != "1") 
        string ids = String.Empty; 

        WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(stateID); 
        DataUri[] items = GetItems(state, workflow); 

        foreach (DataUri dataUri in items) 
         ids += dataUri.ItemID + "," + dataUri.Language + "," + dataUri.Version.Number + "," + "::"; 

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) 
         Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items."); 

        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ids"] = ids; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["language"] = message["la"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["version"] = message["vs"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["command"] = message["command"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ws"] = message["ws"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["workflowid"] = workflowID; 
        Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "CommentMultiple"); 

      // no comment - use the old SendAll 

     private void SendSelectedNew(Message message) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message"); 
      IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider; 
      if (workflowProvider == null) 
      string workflowID = message["wf"]; 

      IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID); 
      if (workflow == null) 

      if (message["ui"] != "1") 
       if (message["suppresscomment"] != "1") 
        string ids = String.Empty; 
        foreach (string str2 in Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form.Keys) 
         if (str2 != null && str2.StartsWith("check_", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) 
          ids += Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form["hidden_" + str2.Substring(6)] + "::"; 

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ids)) 
         Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items."); 

        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ids"] = ids; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["language"] = message["la"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["version"] = message["vs"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["command"] = message["command"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ws"] = message["ws"]; 
        Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["workflowid"] = workflowID; 
        Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "CommentMultiple"); 

      // no comment - use the old SendSelected 

     private void SendSelected(Message message, string comment = null) 
      Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message"); 
      IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider; 
      if (workflowProvider == null) 
      string workflowID = message["wf"]; 
      string str1 = message["ws"]; 
      IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID); 
      if (workflow == null) 
      int num = 0; 
      bool flag = false; 
      foreach (string str2 in Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form.Keys) 
       if (str2 != null && str2.StartsWith("check_", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) 
        string[] strArray = Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form["hidden_" + str2.Substring(6)].Split(new [] { ',' }); 
        Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[strArray[0], Language.Parse(strArray[1]), Sitecore.Data.Version.Parse(strArray[2])]; 
        if (obj != null) 
         WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(obj); 
         if (state.StateID == str1) 
           workflow.Execute(message["command"], obj, comment ?? state.DisplayName, true, new object[0]); 
          catch (WorkflowStateMissingException) 
           flag = true; 
      if (flag) 
       SheerResponse.Alert("One or more items could not be processed because their workflow state does not specify the next step.", new string[0]); 
      if (num == 0) 
       Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items."); 
       UrlString urlString = new UrlString(WebUtil.GetRawUrl()); 
       urlString["reload"] = "1"; 
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