2011-07-27 26 views

Tôi hiểu để vẽ trên một Composite, bạn có thể thêm một người nghe sơn, nhưng điều đó dẫn đến việc vẽ theo trẻ em. Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu tôi muốn vượt qua đầu những đứa trẻ?Làm thế nào để vẽ các phần tử con của Composite trong SWT?

Sau đây vẽ một đường, nhưng biểu tượng con được vẽ trên nó.

Composite c = new Composite(shell, 0); 
c.setBounds(100, 100, 800, 600); 

c.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() { 
    public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { 
     e.gc.drawLine(0, 0, 500, 1000); 

final Composite subc = new Composite(c, 0); 
subc.setBounds(10, 10, 600, 400); 

Trả lời


Thật không may đây không phải là tính năng được triển khai, như bạn có thể thấy trong Bug#114749.

Bạn sẽ phải mã giải pháp tùy chỉnh của riêng mình (ví dụ: tính diện tích bản vẽ cho từng kết hợp bị ảnh hưởng và sau đó vẽ trên mỗi hình).

Lỗi khá cũ của nó, nhưng upvoting luôn luôn là một ý tưởng tốt nếu bạn nghĩ rằng đây là một "phải có".


Nó không phải là tất cả những gì khó khăn để giải quyết :-)

Bạn cần phải thêm SWT.Paint người nghe của bạn không chỉ đến Composite, mà còn cho tất cả các trẻ em chứa (đệ quy). Bí quyết là sau đó lập bản đồ tọa độ phù hợp cho mỗi điều khiển ...

Để minh họa, tôi đã đính kèm một số mã tôi sử dụng trong một số dự án. Và có, tôi biết rằng có những lớp học thiếu, nhưng bạn có thể có thể có được ý tưởng từ này.

* Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 The RCP Company and others. 
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at 
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
* Contributors: 
*  The RCP Company - initial API and implementation 
package com.rcpcompany.uibindings.utils; 

import org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.ControlDecoration; 
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; 
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; 
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; 

import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IDisposable; 
import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.internal.utils.PaintDecorationManager; 

* Support for arbitrary decorations for {@link Control controls}. 
* <p> 
* <p> 
* Differs from {@link ControlDecoration} in a number of ways: 
* <ul> 
* <li>Support for cells in tables</li> 
* <li>Vastly more efficient when there are many decorations</li> 
* </ul> 
* @author Tonny Madsen, The RCP Company 
public interface IPaintDecoration { 
    * Factory for {@link IPaintDecoration}. 
    final class Factory { 
     private Factory() { 

     * Adds a new decoration. 
     * <p> 
     * The decoration is only added if the control of the decoration is non-<code>null</code>. 
     * <p> 
     * If the decoration supports the {@link IDisposable} interface, it will be notified when 
     * the decoration is no longer in use - e.g. when the decoration is removed with 
     * {@link #removeDecoration(IPaintDecoration)} or if the control is disposed. 
     * @param decoration the new decoration 
     public static void addDecoration(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 

     public static IPaintDecoration paintRectangle(final Control c, Rectangle rect, final Color color) { 
      final Rectangle r; 
      if (rect == null) { 
       final Point s = c.getSize(); 
       r = new Rectangle(0, 0, s.x, s.y); 
      } else { 
       r = rect; 
      final IPaintDecoration pd = new IPaintDecoration() { 

       public void paint(Event event, Rectangle area) { 
        // LogUtils.debug(this, event.widget + ": clip=" + event.gc.getClipping() + 
        // " area=" + area); 
        final Color oldForeground = event.gc.getForeground(); 
        event.gc.drawRectangle(area.x, area.y, area.width - 1, area.height - 1); 

       public Control getControl() { 
        return c; 

       public Rectangle getArea() { 
        return r; 

      return pd; 

     * Removes an existing decoration. 
     * @param decoration the decoration to remove 
     public static void removeDecoration(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 

    * The control of this decoration. 
    * <p> 
    * The control of a specific decoration may not change during the lifetime of the decoration. 
    * @return the control 
    Control getControl(); 

    * Returns the area of this decoration in relation to the control. 
    * @return the relative location 
    Rectangle getArea(); 

    * Paints the decoration. 
    * @param area TODO 
    void paint(Event event, Rectangle area); 

* Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 The RCP Company and others. 
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at 
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
* Contributors: 
*  The RCP Company - initial API and implementation 
package com.rcpcompany.uibindings.internal.utils; 

import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.HashSet; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.Set; 

import org.eclipse.jface.util.Util; 
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; 
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; 
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; 

import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IDisposable; 
import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.internal.Activator; 
import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.utils.IPaintDecoration; 
import com.rcpcompany.utils.logging.LogUtils; 

* Simple manager that can draw arbitrary "stuff". 
* <p> 
* A manager exists for each {@link Shell} of the application and is automatically disposed with the 
* shell. 
* <p> 
* Each decoration of the manager is handled internally via an {@link DecorationData} object. 
* @author Tonny Madsen, The RCP Company 
public final class PaintDecorationManager implements IDisposable, Listener { 

    * The shell of this manager. 
    private final Shell myShell; 

    * Cached platform flag for dealing with platform-specific issue: 
    * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=219326 : Shell with custom region and 
    * SWT.NO_TRIM still has border 
    private static boolean MAC = Util.isMac(); 

    * Constructs and returns a new manager. 
    * @param shell the shell of the manager 
    private PaintDecorationManager(Shell shell) { 
     myShell = shell; 
     theManagers.put(getShell(), this); 

    public void dispose() { 
     * Unhook all controls. This is automatically remove all decorations. 
     for (final Control c : myHookedControls.toArray(new Control[myHookedControls.size()])) { 

    public static void addDecoration(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 
     final PaintDecorationManager mng = getManager(decoration); 
     if (mng != null) { 

    public static void removeDecoration(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 
     final PaintDecorationManager mng = getManager(decoration); 
     if (mng != null) { 

    * Mapping of all decorations of this manager to internal data for the same decoration. 
    private final Map<IPaintDecoration, DecorationData> myDecorations = new HashMap<IPaintDecoration, DecorationData>(); 

    public void addADecoration(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 
     DecorationData dd = myDecorations.get(decoration); 
     if (dd == null) { 
      dd = new DecorationData(decoration); 

    public void removeADecoration(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 
     if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS) { 
      LogUtils.debug(this, "control: " + decoration.getControl() + "@" + decoration.getControl().hashCode() + "/" 
        + decoration.getArea()); 
     final DecorationData dd = myDecorations.get(decoration); 
     if (dd == null) return; 

    * Map with all defined managers indexed by the shell. 
    private static Map<Shell, PaintDecorationManager> theManagers = new HashMap<Shell, PaintDecorationManager>(); 

    * Returns the shell of the manager. 
    * @return the shell 
    private Shell getShell() { 
     return myShell; 

    * Returns the manager for the specified decoration. 
    * <p> 
    * Creates a new manager if none exists 
    * @param decoration the decoration 
    * @return the manager for the shell of the decoration 
    private static PaintDecorationManager getManager(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 
     final Control c = decoration.getControl(); 
     if (c == null) return null; 
     final Shell shell = c.getShell(); 
     PaintDecorationManager mng = theManagers.get(shell); 
     if (mng == null) { 
      mng = new PaintDecorationManager(shell); 

     return mng; 

    * The hooked controls of this manager. 
    * <p> 
    * A control is hooked when first referred in a decoration or a parent... 
    * <p> 
    * It is not unhooked until the control or this manager is disposed. 
    private final Set<Control> myHookedControls = new HashSet<Control>(); 

    * Hooks the specified control into this manager. 
    * <p> 
    * Also hooks all parent controls. 
    * @param control the control 
    public void hookControl(Control control) { 
     if (myHookedControls.contains(control)) return; 

     control.addListener(SWT.Dispose, this); 
     control.addListener(SWT.Paint, this); 

     if (control != getShell()) { 

    * Unhooks a specific control from the manager. 
    * @param control the control 
    public void unhookControl(Control control) { 
     if (!myHookedControls.contains(control)) return; 
     if (!control.isDisposed()) { 
      control.removeListener(SWT.Dispose, this); 
      control.removeListener(SWT.Paint, this); 
     for (final DecorationData dd : myDecorations.values() 
       .toArray(new DecorationData[myDecorations.values().size()])) { 
      if (dd.getControl() == control) { 

    public void handleEvent(Event event) { 
     // LogUtils.debug(this, ToStringUtils.toString(event)); 
     switch (event.type) { 
     case SWT.Dispose: 
     case SWT.Paint: 

    * Handles the dispose event. 
    * @param event the event 
    private void handleDispose(Event event) { 
     if (event.widget == getShell()) { 
     unhookControl((Control) event.widget); 

    * Handles the paint event. 
    * @param event the event 
    private void handlePaint(Event event) { 
     final Control c = (Control) event.widget; 
     final Display display = c.getDisplay(); 
     final Rectangle area = display.map(c, null, event.x, event.y, event.width, event.height); 
     for (final DecorationData dd : myDecorations.values()) { 
      if (dd.intersects(area)) { 

    * Manager internal decoration data for one decoration. 
    protected class DecorationData implements IDisposable { 

     private final IPaintDecoration myDecoration; 

     * The previous area painted by this decoration relative to the display. 
     private Rectangle myPreviousArea = null; 

     * Set to true when the decoration is disposed 
     private boolean isDisposed = false; 

     * Constructs and returns a new decoration data object 
     * @param decoration he base decoration 
     protected DecorationData(IPaintDecoration decoration) { 
      myDecoration = decoration; 
      myDecorations.put(getDecoration(), this); 
      if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS) { 
       LogUtils.debug(this, "control: " + this); 


     * Returns the control of the decoration 
     * @return the control 
     public Control getControl() { 
      return getDecoration().getControl(); 

     public void dispose() { 
      isDisposed = true; 
      if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS) { 
       LogUtils.debug(this, "control: " + this); 

     * Returns the manager of this decoration 
     * @return the manager 
     public PaintDecorationManager getManager() { 
      return PaintDecorationManager.this; 

     * Returns the decoration itself 
     * @return the decoration 
     public IPaintDecoration getDecoration() { 
      return myDecoration; 

     * Updates this decoration 
     public void update() { 
      if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS) { 
       LogUtils.debug(this, "control: " + this); 
      * Calculate new area 
      final Rectangle newArea = getDecorationRectangle(getShell()); 
      * Compare with last area and image 
      if ((newArea == null ? myPreviousArea == null : newArea.equals(myPreviousArea))) { 
       if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS_VERBOSE) { 
        LogUtils.debug(this, "-- return"); 
      Rectangle r = null; 
      if (myPreviousArea != null) { 
       r = myPreviousArea; 
       if (newArea != null) { 
      } else { 
       r = newArea; 
      myPreviousArea = newArea; 
      if (r != null) { 
       // LogUtils.debug(this, "redraw: " + r); 
       getShell().redraw(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, true); 
       if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS_VERBOSE) { 
        LogUtils.debug(this, "redraw " + r); 

     * Calculates the area taken by the image translated to a specified target control 
     * @param c the target control or null for the Display 
     * @return the {@link Rectangle} for the image or <code>null</code> if no image is specified 
     private Rectangle getDecorationRectangle(Control c) { 
      final Control control = getDecoration().getControl(); 
      final Rectangle b = getDecoration().getArea(); 
      final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(b.x, b.y, b.width + 1, b.height + 1); 

      return getShell().getDisplay().map(control, c, bounds); 

     * Paints this decoration. 
     * @param event the {@link SWT#Paint} event 
     public void paint(Event event) { 
      if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS_VERBOSE) { 
       LogUtils.debug(this, "paint: " + event.widget); 
      // if (!shouldShowDecoration()) { 
      // return; 
      // } 
      final Rectangle rect = getDecorationRectangle((Control) event.widget); 
      if (Activator.getDefault().TRACE_CONTROL_DECORATIONS_VERBOSE) { 
       LogUtils.debug(this, "paint: " + event.widget + "/" + event.widget.hashCode() + ": rect=" + rect); 

      getDecoration().paint(event, rect); 

     * Returns whether this decoration intersects with specified rectangle. 
     * @param eventArea the area to check 
     * @return <code>true</code> if the decoration is visible and the area intersects 
     public boolean intersects(Rectangle eventArea) { 
      if (isDisposed) return false; 
      if (!getControl().isVisible()) return false; 
      final Rectangle area = getDecorationRectangle(null); 
      if (area == null) return false; 
      if (!area.intersects(eventArea)) return false; 

      return true; 

     public String toString() { 
      return getControl() + "@" + getControl().hashCode() + " " + getDecoration().getArea() + " area " 
        + getDecorationRectangle(null); 

Tôi chạy này: http://pastebin.com/MmN8jvPf và nó không cho thấy hình vuông trên đầu trang của hộp combo. Tôi đã thử một vài biến thể và nó cũng vậy. – mentics


Hmm ... Có vấn đề với 'CCombo' và có thể là' CTabFolder' do cách thức các công cụ này được xây dựng ... Tôi sẽ kiểm tra mã sau tối nay. –

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