2013-05-02 32 views

Làm cách nào để lưu tên tệp đã tải lên của tôi trong một biến (tôi mới thành CI)?Codeigniter - lấy tên tệp đã tải lên

Tôi đang sử dụng mã này để thử nghiệm:

Tôi thực sự đánh giá cao sự giúp đỡ của bạn về những người này.

Đây là mã tôi đang sử dụng (và tôi đang gõ những dòng này hơn và hơn nữa vì những hạn chế của stackoverflow):


class Gallery_model extends CI_Model { 

    var $gallery_path; 
    var $videos_path; 
    var $thumbnail; 
    var $video_name; 

    function Gallery_model() { 


     $this->gallery_path = realpath(APPPATH . '../images'); 
     $this->videos_path = realpath(APPPATH . '../videos'); 
     $this->videos_path_tnumb = realpath(APPPATH . '../videos/thumb'); 

     $this->thumbnail = 'C://xampp//htdocs//upload//videos//thumb'; 
     $this->video_name = 'C://xampp//htdocs//upload//videos//79825_00_01_SC03_intro.mov'; 

    function do_upload() { 

     $config = array(
//   'allowed_types' => 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif', 
//   'upload_path' => $this->gallery_path, 
//   'max_size' => 10000 

      'allowed_types' => 'avi|mp4|flw|mov', 
      'upload_path' => $this->videos_path 

     $this->load->library('upload', $config); 
     $field_name = "some_field_name"; 
     if ($this->upload->do_upload()) { 

    function getVideoInformation($videoPath) { 
     $movie = new ffmpeg_movie($videoPath, false); 

     $this->videoDuration = $movie->getDuration(); 
     $this->frameCount = $movie->getFrameCount(); 
     $this->frameRate = $movie->getFrameRate(); 
     $this->videoTitle = $movie->getTitle(); 
     $this->author = $movie->getAuthor(); 
     $this->copyright = $movie->getCopyright(); 
     $this->frameHeight = $movie->getFrameHeight(); 
     $this->frameWidth = $movie->getFrameWidth(); 
     $this->pixelFormat = $movie->getPixelFormat(); 
     $this->bitRate = $movie->getVideoBitRate(); 
     $this->videoCodec = $movie->getVideoCodec(); 
     $this->audioCodec = $movie->getAudioCodec(); 
     $this->hasAudio = $movie->hasAudio(); 
     $this->audSampleRate = $movie->getAudioSampleRate(); 
     $this->audBitRate = $movie->getAudioBitRate(); 

    function getAudioInformation($videoPath) { 
     $movie = new ffmpeg_movie($videoPath, false); 

     $this->audioDuration = $movie->getDuration(); 
     $this->frameCount = $movie->getFrameCount(); 
     $this->frameRate = $movie->getFrameRate(); 
     $this->audioTitle = $movie->getTitle(); 
     $this->author = $movie->getAuthor(); 
     $this->copyright = $movie->getCopyright(); 
     $this->artist = $movie->getArtist(); 
     $this->track = $movie->getTrackNumber(); 
     $this->bitRate = $movie->getBitRate(); 
     $this->audioChannels = $movie->getAudioChannels(); 
     $this->audioCodec = $movie->getAudioCodec(); 
     $this->audSampleRate = $movie->getAudioSampleRate(); 
     $this->audBitRate = $movie->getAudioBitRate(); 

    function getThumbImage($videoPath) { 
     $movie = new ffmpeg_movie($videoPath, false); 
     $this->videoDuration = $movie->getDuration(); 
     $this->frameCount = $movie->getFrameCount(); 
     $this->frameRate = $movie->getFrameRate(); 
     $this->videoTitle = $movie->getTitle(); 
     $this->author = $movie->getAuthor(); 
     $this->copyright = $movie->getCopyright(); 
     $this->frameHeight = $movie->getFrameHeight(); 
     $this->frameWidth = $movie->getFrameWidth(); 

     $capPos = ceil($this->frameCount/4); 

     if ($this->frameWidth > 120) { 
      $cropWidth = ceil(($this->frameWidth - 120)/2); 
     } else { 
      $cropWidth = 0; 
     if ($this->frameHeight > 90) { 
      $cropHeight = ceil(($this->frameHeight - 90)/2); 
     } else { 
      $cropHeight = 0; 
     if ($cropWidth % 2 != 0) { 
      $cropWidth = $cropWidth - 1; 
     if ($cropHeight % 2 != 0) { 
      $cropHeight = $cropHeight - 1; 

     $frameObject = $movie->getFrame($capPos); 

     if ($frameObject) { 
      $imageName = "thumb_01.jpeg"; 
      $tmbPath = "C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\upload\\videos\\thumb" . $imageName; 
      $frameObject->resize(120, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0); 
      imagejpeg($frameObject->toGDImage(), $tmbPath); 
     } else { 
      $imageName = ""; 

     return $imageName; 


Trả lời

$upload_data = $this->upload->data(); //Returns array of containing all of the data related to the file you uploaded. 
$file_name = $upload_data['file_name']; 

đọc thêm về nó từ here for v2.xhere for v3.x.

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